Results for 'Zacarías García Villada'

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  1.  27
    Patenting DNA: Who defines and protects the public good?Sandra Anderson Garcia - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):25 – 26.
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    Poblamiento y asentamientos rurales andalusíes: análisis del paisaje y caracterización territorial de un valle del ʿamal Šaqūra.Santiago Quesada-García - 2021 - Al-Qantara 42 (2):17-17.
    In the valley of the Trujala, Hornos and Guadalimar rivers in the Sierra de Segura, northeast of the province of Jaén, is an articulated system of preserved Andalusi structures that configure a landscape. To orient in a landscape, one needs a map that accurately represents the elements involved in its formation. The objective of this work is to reveal these points and to draw a chart that serves to understand and read into the palimpsest of the landscape. To achieve this, (...)
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    Circular Definitions of ‘Good’ and the Good of Circular Definitions.Andrés G. Garcia - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-14.
    I defend the view that circular definitions can be useful and illuminating by focusing on the fitting-attitudes analysis of value. This definition states that an item has value if and only if it is a fitting target of attitudes. Good items are the fitting targets of positive attitudes, and bad items are the fitting targets of negative ones. I shall argue that a circular version of this definition, defended by Rabinowicz and Rønnow-Rasmussen (2006), is preferable to its non-circular counterpart and (...)
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    : Health in Ruins: The Capitalist Destruction of Medical Care at a Colombian Maternity Hospital.Lina Pinto-García - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):900-902.
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    Bases para una interpretación de Gentile a partir de (su) Vico.Alfonso Zúnica García - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
    El presente trabajo se propone determinar un criterio con que interpretar de modo global el desarrollo del pensamiento de Giovanni Gentile. Su caracterización como pensador neohegeliano no da razón del sentido global de su filosofía ni de sus efectivos puntos de partida ni de los pensadores con los que directamente se midió. El trabajo hace ver que, con Donato Jaja, su maestro universitario, la tradición idealista iniciada por Bertrando Spaventa se separa definitivamente de la interpretación de Hegel y se constituye (...)
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    (1 other version)A vueltas con el giro ontológico. Antropología como metafísica en marcha.Julián García-Labrador - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-21.
    En la antropología cultural contemporánea cada vez son más frecuentes las cuestiones ontológicas. Bajo el lema “tomarse en serio al otro”, ya no se habla de las culturas como representaciones del mismo mundo, sino de mundos ontológicamente distintos. Los antropólogos de este giro ontológico tratan de derribar las asunciones representativas de la antropología cultural, consideradas como metafísica tácita. En este movimiento metodológico, la ontología ha dejado el ámbito filosófico para ser considerada un campo de comparación etnográfica. En este artículo presento (...)
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  7. Blancanieves.Cecilia García - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (981):91.
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    Psicanálise, política, lógica.Célio Garcia - 1994 - São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
    'Psicanálise, Política e Lógica' são três condições para o exercício de uma certa atividade intelectual, de uma determinada prática psicanalítica, conseqüentemente, de um tipo de leitura e escrita engajada. Na verdade, são condições que nos fazem capazes de enfrentar a opressão seja ao nível de instituições, seja a nível das relações interpessoais, de dar seqüência à análise dos acontecimentos só a partir de então nomeados, finalmente de manter rigor epistemológico que nos foi deixado por Freud, por Lacan, uma vez estabelecida (...)
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    Disability: Societal Responses to Difference and Interdisciplinary Interventions by Bioethicists.Sandra Anderson Garcia - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):62-63.
    (2001). Disability: Societal Responses to Difference and Interdisciplinary Interventions by Bioethicists. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 62-63.
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  10. El diálogo dramático en el Apocalipsis De Ezequiel, el trágico, a Juan, el vidente de Patmos.Lourdes Garcia Urena - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (1):23-56.
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    Religious Reasons in Politics: Some Problems for the Free Marketplace Model.Camilo Andres Garcia - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (5):601-625.
    In this paper, I critique a popular yet seldom recognized theory of the political role of religious reasons. According to this theory, the Free Marketplace model, laws may be justified on religious reasons as long as such laws do not impinge on rights. I argue that this theory is internally contradictory and can only be defended by either accepting normatively unacceptable consequences, or resorting to ad hoc distinctions between compelling and non-compelling legal justifications.
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    Winning with mētis: embodied virtues in sport practice, from Odysseus to Maradona.Raúl Sánchez-García, Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio & Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-19.
    The Greek word mētis (μῆτις) traditionally refers to a particular form of wily intelligence associated with the arts of deception (dolos) and the knowledge of tricks (kerdē), subterfuges, and traps. Mētis evokes innovative and ground-breaking solutions, based on the capability to understand, anticipate, and possibly violate the others’ expectations. Most importantly, mētis presupposes practical wisdom, or prudence (phrόnesis), a dispositional quality that underpins all the virtues that deserve to be cultivated by sportspersons and that is pivotal to perfect sportspersons’ moral (...)
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  13. The Deferred Ostension Theory of Quotation.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2004 - Noûs 38 (4):674 - 692.
    I defend a Deferred Ostension view of quotation, on which quotation-marks are the linguistic bearers of reference, functioning like a demonstrative; the quoted material merely plays the role of a demonstratum. On this view, the quoted material works like Nunberg’s indexes in his account of deferred ostensión in general. The referent is obtained through some contextually suggested relation; in the default case the relation will be … instantiates the linguistic type __, but there are other possibilities. In this way, the (...)
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  14. El monasterio Clariano de Santa Verónica o Santa Faz de Alicante y su aportación a la cultura artística.V. Garcia Ros - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):817-828.
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    The development of chicana feminist discourse, 1970-1980.Alma M. Garcia - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (2):217-238.
    The years between 1970 and 1980 represented a formative period in the development of Chicana feminist thought in the United States. During this period, Chicana feminists addressed the specific issues affecting Chicanas as women of color in the United States. As a result of their collective efforts in struggling against racial, class, and gender oppression, Chicana feminists developed an ideological discourse that addressed three major issues. These were the relationship between Chicana feminism and the ideology of cultural nationalism, feminist baiting (...)
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    México, 1967: el diálogo crítico entre Leopoldo Zea y Luis Villoro sobre filosofía, compromiso y circunstancias.Iver A. Beltrán García - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1225-1246.
    El artículo analiza e interpreta las posturas expresadas en una mesa de discusión de 1967 en la que participaron Leopoldo Zea, Luis Villoro, Alejandro Rossi, Abelardo Villegas y José Luis Balcárcel, así como el debate posterior, respecto a cuestiones como la relación entre filosofía e ideología, entre filosofía y reflexión sobre las propias circunstancias, y entre filosofía y profesionalismo, con base en las participaciones y los textos de estos filósofos. Además de organizar las ideas que generaron la mesa y el (...)
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    Attentional prioritization reconfigures novel instructions into action-oriented task sets.Carlos González-García, Silvia Formica, Baptist Liefooghe & Marcel Brass - 2020 - Cognition 194 (C):104059.
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    Influence of autoencoder latent space on classifying IoT CoAP attacks.María Teresa García-Ordás, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Isaías García-Rodrígez, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Martín Bayón-Gutiérrez & Héctor Alaiz-Moretón - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a unique cybersecurity challenge due to its vast network of interconnected, resource-constrained devices. These vulnerabilities not only threaten data integrity but also the overall functionality of IoT systems. This study addresses these challenges by exploring efficient data reduction techniques within a model-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for IoT environments. Specifically, the study explores the efficacy of an autoencoder’s latent space combined with three different classification techniques. Utilizing a validated IoT dataset, particularly focusing on the (...)
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    La Comunidad reconocida: familias, escuelas, regantes y vecinos.J. José García de la Cruz Herrero & Evaristo Prieto Novosco - 2000 - Arbor 165 (652):639-655.
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    La construcción del espacio épico en Il Conquisto di Granata de Girolamo Graziani.Mónica García Aguilar - 2014 - Iris 35:105-116.
    A mediados del siglo xvii, Girolamo Graziani publica en Módena Il Conquisto di Granata, un poema épico de 26 cantos en los que se narran los acontecimientos que rodearon el asedio del Reino de Granada en sus últimos diez años. Este poema, por tanto, describe el ambiente caballeresco y el tema de la lucha entre cristianos y musulmanes a través de múltiples episodios en los que no faltan los fieros y gigantescos moros, las doncellas guerreras y toda suerte de fábulas (...)
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    The stochastic component in choice and regression to the mean.Aurora García-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzís, Daniel Navarro-Martínez & Gerardo Sabater-Grande - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (2):251-267.
    In this article, we illustrate experimentally an important consequence of the stochastic component in choice behaviour which has not been acknowledged so far. Namely, its potential to produce ‘regression to the mean’ (RTM) effects. We employ a novel approach to individual choice under risk, based on repeated multiple-lottery choices (i.e. choices among many lotteries), to show how the high degree of stochastic variability present in individual decisions can distort crucially certain results through RTM effects. We demonstrate the point in the (...)
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  22. MV 1991. El sacrificio humano adivinatorio céltico y la religión de los lusitanos.García Quintela - 1997 - Polis 3:25-37.
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    Financiación y futuro, claves para un equilibrio.Rafael Sariego García - 2005 - Arbor 180 (710):353-361.
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    Kant’s Principle of Publicity: The Intrinsic Relationship between the two Formulations.Domingo García-Marzá - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (1):96-113.
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    O ethos da ciência e suas transformações contemporâneas, com especial atenção à biotecnologia.José Luís Garcia & Hermínio Martins - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (1):83-104.
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    Noologia y técnica en Zubiri.Ricardo Espinoza Lolas, Pamela Soto García & Ronald Durán Allimant - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):243-260.
    Se muestra cómo la “inteligencia sentiente”, en sus elementos “noológicos”, adquiere cierto carácter “técnico” primario y constitutivo que se despliega en el logos y en la razón de manera individual, social e histórica. En la aprehensión primordial de la realidad se juega la viabilidad misma del hombre en su estar siendo en el mundo como animal humano, donde lo “técnico” juega un papel relevante. En los elementos noológicos primarios de la aprehensión primordial se hallan los cimientos de los que surge (...)
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  27.  12
    La penitencia como sacramento y como virtud en los salmanticensis.Dionisio Borobio García - 2015 - Salmanticensis 62 (2):259-284.
    Los Salmanticen-ses fueron teólogos que enseña-ron en el Colegio universitario salmanticenses de los carmelitas descalzos durante el siglo XVII y primera parte del XVIII. A ellos se deben el “Cursus theologi-cus salmanticensis”, así como el “Cursus moralis salmanticensis”. El tratado de penitencia del Cur-sus theologicus salmanticensisestá dividido en dos partes bien diferenciadas, aunque íntima-mente relacionadas: 1. La peni-tencia como sacramento. 2. La penitencia como virtud. Resumi-mos aquí sobre todo lo que se refiere la Penitencia como sacra-mento. Nuestro método es analí-tico (...)
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    «Secularización» y «post-secularización»: Ambigüedades, paradojas y desafíos para el cristianismo.Ricardo Marcelino Rivas García - 2013 - Mayéutica 39 (88):275-296.
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  29. Contribuciones filosóficas de ockham a la formación Del concepto de razón pública.Miguel Ángel Ruiz García - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):54-74.
    En este artículo el autor realiza una interpretación del libro Sobre el gobierno tiránico del papa del filósofo medieval Guillermo de Ockham. En la exposición se ofrecen argumentos para justificar varias tesis: la primera, desmontar el prejuicio de que la ilustración moderna abandonó o canceló los contenidos y el procedimiento hermenéutico del pensamiento medieval. La segunda consiste en postular que en el libro citado se encuentran las raíces filosóficas de algunos conceptos centrales del pensamiento político y moral del liberalismo moderno (...)
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  30. Taste and Time. An Essay on the Phenomenology of Hunger and Theatre.Erika Natalia Molina Garcia - 2024 - European Drama and Performance Studies (2):375-394.
    Drawing on Husserl, Ingarden and Levinas’ works, this article explores Ibsen’s Rosmersholm from a phenomenological perspective, aiming to shed light both on this play and on the phenomenology of hunger and theatre, as well as on the larger meaning of alimentary enjoyment.
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    Julian Dodd. Being True to Works of Music.Nemesio García-Carril Puy - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2):268-272.
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    ¿Invertir la intencionalidad? Henry y la absorción de la intencionalidad en el ser.Miguel García-Baró - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:519-544.
    En este trabajo se propone una revisión de la fenomenología de la vida de Michel Henry y su relación con la intencionalidad, tal como esta es pensada en y por Husserl. Se pasa revista al modo en el que el fundador del método fenomenológico se ocupa de cuestiones centrales de la fenomenología de la vida, así como de la forma en la que Henry habla de la vida, la autodonación, la autorevelación, la verdad, el cuerpo originario o absoluto, etc. La (...)
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    Metacognition of Working Memory Performance: Trial-by-Trial Subjective Effects from a New Paradigm.Andrew C. Garcia, Sabrina Bhangal, Anthony G. Velasquez, Mark W. Geisler & Ezequiel Morsella - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Las comisuras abiertas de la tierra.Kelly Vargas García - 2020 - Perseitas 9:260-264.
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    Neurociencia, Humanismo y Posthumanismo.Emilio García García - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:9-31.
    Durante las últimas tres décadas, la Neurociencia ha logrado avances espectaculares, pero la investigación tiene ante sí graves retos. Comentamos proyectos actuales de investigación neurocientífica, como el Proyecto Conectoma, el Proyecto Brain, y el Human Brain Proyect. Estudiamos la confluencia de las tecnologías biomédicas e ingeniería genética con la inteligencia artificial y computación, y el impacto que tienen en el conocimiento del mundo exterior y de nosotros mismos. Identificamos potencialidades y amenazas de las nuevas tecnologías y la contribución a la (...)
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    Surveying fake news: Assessing university faculty’s fragmented definition of fake news and its impact on teaching critical thinking.Julieta Garcia, Eric P. Garcia, Ahmed Alwan & Andrew P. Weiss - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    This paper reports on the results of a survey of faculty members at California State University, Northridge in Los Angeles, California regarding their understanding of and familiarity with the concept of fake news. With very few studies published on the attitudes of teaching faculty at universities, this study is a unique approach to the issues facing educators, knowledge creators, and information specialists. The paper examines the origins of the term “fake news”, the factors contributing to its current prevalence, and proposes (...)
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  37.  14
    Cristología. Resistencia y sumisión al contexto.Francisco García Martínez - 2018 - Salmanticensis 65 (2):267-300.
    El artículo propone una reflexión sobre la incidencia del contexto en el pensar teológico sobre la cristología. Con ella se quiere mostrar la necesidad no solo de una reflexión, sino igualmente de una didáctica que ayude a los alumnos a apropiarse significativamente de los contenidos dogmáticos de forma que puedan insertarlos en la dinámica de la evangelización. La idea de fondo es que no existe una cristología acontextual, sino solo contextuada o descontextuada, lo que obliga a una continua reapropiación de (...)
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    Forgiveness, Gratitude, Happiness, and Prosocial Bystander Behavior in Bullying.Fernanda Inéz García-Vázquez, Angel Alberto Valdés-Cuervo, Belén Martínez-Ferrer & Lizeth Guadalupe Parra-Pérez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The relationships among character strengths (forgiveness and gratitude), happiness, and pro-social bystander behavior in bullying were analyzed. The sample includes 500 (early adolescents) and 500 (middle adolescents) of both genders, between 12 and 18 years old (M age = 14.70, SD = 1.58). Two structural equation models were calculated. Results of the first model indicated that forgiveness, gratitude, and happiness had a direct positive relation with pro-social bystander behavior. Furthermore, human strengths were indirectly related to prosocial behavior in bullying for (...)
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    ¿Ilustración en España?: contrastes entre el "Siglo de las Luces" español y la ilustración centroeuropea.José María García GómezHeras - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:291-306.
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  40. L'amitié De Dieu, Saint Thomas De Villeneuve Maitre De Spiritualité Augustinienne.Jaime García - 2010 - Revista Agustiniana 51 (154):234.
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    La Meditacion (Segun la mas antigua tradicion budista). Luis Mojica Sandoz.Alfonso L. Garcia-Martinez - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (3):101-103.
    La Meditacion. Luis Mojica Sandoz. Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico 1979, Apartado de Correos X, Rio Piedras, P. R. 00931.
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  42. Mirada antropológica sobre el (sin) sentido del trabajo.Pedro Gómez García - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:302-312.
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    Memorias colectivas: usos y representaciones. Una introducción.María García Alonso - 2019 - Endoxa 44:15.
    Introducción al conjunto de artículos sobre Memorias colectivas: Usos y representaciones.
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    Sobre el matrimonio "in fieri".Tomás García Barberena - 1954 - Salmanticensis 1 (2):422-440.
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  45. Sobre la impotencia de la libertad.Natalia Sofía García Pérez - 2008 - Studium 14:41-64.
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    La América de Avendaño: La ampliación y fin del Imperio.Ángel Muñoz García - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:29-44.
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    Exploring the Evolution of Educational Methods: Perspectives from Imaginative Culture and Human Nature.Andrés Felipe Ariza García, María Luz González Díaz, Marcelo Fabian Rosero Santana, Juan Miguel Choque Flores & Carlos Volter Buenaño Pesántez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:54-61.
    Education is a fundamental pillar in human development, and its evolution throughout history has been influenced by a variety of factors, including imaginative culture and human nature. In this study, we explore how educational methods have evolved in response to the interaction between these two aspects. We look at how human creativity, imagination, and adaptation have influenced the way we teach and learn, from early forms of knowledge transmission to more contemporary approaches focused on active student engagement and the development (...)
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    The Game Between a Biased Reviewer and His Editor.J. A. García, Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez & J. Fdez-Valdivia - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):265-283.
    This paper shows that, for a large range of parameters, the journal editor prefers to delegate the choice to review the manuscript to the biased referee. If the peer review process is informative and the review reports are costly for the reviewers, even biased referees with extreme scientific preferences may choose to become informed about the manuscript’s quality. On the contrary, if the review process is potentially informative but the reviewer reports are not costly for the referees, the biased reviewer (...)
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    The Importance of Kant’s Schematism for Schelling’s Project of a Philosophy of Nature.Luis Fellipe Garcia - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (1):79-105.
    Counteracting a widespread interpretation of Schelling’s project of a philosophy of nature as anti-Kantian, this paper claims that Kant’s doctrine of the schematism plays a central role in the emergence and development of Schelling’s project. My argument will be structured in the following way. First, I will discuss Schelling’s reception of the schematism in his Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature of 1797, especially as regards his association of it with Kant’s dynamical conception of matter in the Metaphysical Foundations of (...)
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    The Ethics of Viewing Illegally Shared Pornography.Andrés G. Garcia - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (3):516-529.
    I argue that the consumption of illegally shared pornography is often morally problematic. My argument is not based on any general condemnation of pornography or even illegal content sharing as such. Instead, my argument emphasizes that commercial pornography that is illegally shared risks violating the consent and thus the dignity of its performers. In this way, illegally shared pornography is akin to ‘revenge porn’, involving the non-consensual distribution and consumption of sexually intimate images or videos. The idea is that if (...)
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